(unless otherwise noted, all site used extensive HTML and Javascript as well as graphics/Photoshop work)

site details
Online wedding and party invitation site
Tasks: Logo, Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System, SEO, Adwords
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, SQL Server 2003, DHTML, AJAX
URL: www.party-essentials.com
Site was built in Cold Fusion using a SQL Server backend to show the different designs available for wedding and party invitation site Party-Essentails. Site includes a full site administration, which gives the owner complete control of every aspect of the site, including all HTML, product data, and page layout.

site details
Caffe Portobello
Corporate site for local Scottsdale restaurant Caffe Portobello.
Tasks: Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, SQL Server 2003, Access, DHTML
URL: www.caffeportobello.com
Site was built using Cold Fusion and SQL Server to give guest of Caffe Portobello the latest happening at the restaurant, including the menu updates and nightly entertainment. Emailing system was also created to communicate monthly with the approximatly 1000 signed up customers. Origional design no longer used, but many of the backend processes still used.

site details
Desert Gardens HOA
An informational portal for the residents on the Desert Gardens Community.
Tasks: Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, SQL Server 2003, Access, DHTML
URL: www.desertgardenshoa.com
The site was built to share information on the Rules and Regulations of the Desert Gardens Home Owners Association, and includes a Forum for sharing ideas and information. The site was developed using a template systems, so it may also be used for other HOA's seeking a fully functioning informational portal. The site was built using Cold Fusion with an Access back end. Still under development.

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Honma Golf Direct
Informational site for Premier Golf Distributors, Inc, formerly Honma Golf Direct. Company is North American distributor for Honma hand made golfs produced in Japan.
Tasks: Logo, Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, Access
URL: www.honmagolf.com
Created, designed and coded all aspects of Honmagolf.com site. HGD wanted a very simple site, which presented their high quality golf clubs, in a very simple manner. Due to the nature of the developing relationships with their customers, they were not concerned with doing eCommerce through the website, but are looking at the possibility of selling accessories, wedges and putters through the site. Site includes a complete CMS to update every aspect of the site via a Web based interface. The previous design of the Honma site can be found here

site details
Informational site for a web design/development firm
Tasks: Logo, Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System, SEO, Adwords
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, SQL Server 2003, Access, DHTML
URL: www.marumba.com
Created, designed and coded all aspects of marumba.com site. As my personal site, I have utilized it as my repository of pictures from my many adventures. Built using Cold Fusion and an Access back end, it has such features as email features, messageboards, and utilizes a JAVA application, created in-house to create the thumbnail and main images used in the site.

site details
The Haunt Quarters
E-commerce site for selling Halloween Supplies.
Tasks: Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System, eCommerce
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, Access, DHTML
URL: www.hauntquarters.com
Created, designed and coded all aspects of The Haunt Quarters site. The site is a fully functioning eCommerce site, which boasts one of the largest assortment of Party products, currently over 10,000. The site was built using Cold Fusion and a SQL Server 7.0 backed.

site details
Todd and Tina
Wedding Website of Todd and Tina
Tasks: Logo, Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, SQL Server 2003, Access, DHTML
URL: www.toddandtina.com
A site developed to help spread information about the wedding of Todd and Tina. It included information on hotel and reception information, registry information, and pictures of the events. The back end contained code to track guests attending events, and email system to broadcast important information to guests, and a system for guest to update their addresses online. It is the online version of a wedding planner. Demo available upon request.

site details
The site is a fully functioning eCommerce site, which boasts one of the largest assortment of Halloween products, over 10,000.
Tasks: Logo, Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System, eCommerce
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, Access, DHTML
URL: www.halloweenplus.com
Created, designed and coded all aspects of halloweenplus.com site. The site is a fully functioning eCommerce site, which boasts one of the largest assortment of Halloween products, over 10,000. The site was built using Cold Fusion and a SQL Server 7.0 backed. The site has since been sold and is now updated by another company

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site details
Colorado Association of Realtors
Offical site for Colorado's Association of Realtors.
Tasks: Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, SQL Server 2003, Access, DHTML, Flash
URL: www.colorealtor.com
Created, designed and coded all aspects of colorealtor.com site. Built in Cold Fusion using an Access back end, the site includes a members only area, and an adminstration section for the users to take the updating of the stories on the site away from the developers, and instead gives a GUI interface for other to update the content. Demos available upon request.

site details
Call The Play
The corporate website software design firm for online games.
Tasks: Design, Coding
Technologies:: ASP.Net, SQL Server 2003
URL: www.calltheplay.com/
Responsible for the entire design and coding of the site. Site built in .net using a SQL Server backend.

site details
Jim and Jess
Wedding Website of Jim and Jess
Tasks: Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, Access
URL: www.jimandjess.com
Responsible for the coding of the site while the origional design was provided in a Photoshop file. Created site to include a guest administration where site owner could track guest activities, as well as an online email tool that the site owner could email the entire list or single users. Demo available upon request.

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Kidz Collectiblez
E-commerce site for selling handmade block and nameplates for Kidz Collectibles
Tasks: Logo, Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS)
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, Access
URL: www.marumba.com/kidz
Created, designed and coded all aspects of the Kidz Collectibles site. Site was never finished as the business closed down before launch.

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Corporate website for SMA Hummer in Tempe, AZ.
Tasks: Coding
Technologies:: HTML
URL: www.marumba.com/sma/index.html
Coded site from provided Photoshop PSD file. Built as a straight HTML site, with no dynamic content.

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site details
The Skeletons Closet
The site is a fully functioning eCommerce site, which boasts one of the largest assortment of Halloween products, over 10,000.
Tasks: Logo, Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System, eCommerce
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, Access, DHTML
URL: www.theskeletonscloset.com
Created, designed and coded all aspects of The Skeletons Closet site. The site was built using Cold Fusion with a SQL Server back end. The site includes an extranet that the owner can utilize to track all orders, edit product information, change HTML via the web, query product sales, and merchandise the front page, category and subcategory pages.

site details
A halloween e-commerce site which includes over 10,000 products
Tasks: Logo, Design, Coding, Adminstration (CMS), Email System, eCommerce
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, Access
URL: www.Halloween-Depot.com
Created, designed and coded all aspects of Halloween-Depot.com site. Built in Cold Fusion using an Access backeback end site includes a members only area, and an administration area for the users to take the updating of the stories on the site away from the developers, and instead gives a GUI interface for other to update the content.

site details
AZ Fright Nights
An informational site for Halloween Haunts located in the Phoenix Metro area.
Tasks: Design, Coding
Technologies:: Cold Fusion, Access
URL: www.azfrightnights.com
Created, designed and coded all aspects of azfrightnights.com site. Designed as an informational site for Halloween Haunts located in the Phoenix Metro area.

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Arizona Intranet Pros
Site was a project that was to be the informational site of Arizona Intranet Pros, a networking company in Phoenix.
Tasks: Design, Coding
Technologies:: JSP, MySQL
URL: www.intranetpros.com
The site was built using JSP and a MySQL back end, but the company went out of business before the site was launched.